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StrongLink: Autonomous Data Management
Enterprises from all vertical markets, from media and entertainment to life science from High Performance Computing/Research and higher education to government, virtually all enterprises struggle to manage data with fewer resources and at less cost. StrongLink from...

LTO Air Gap Security Can Stop Ransomware from Stealing Your Data…
According to an analyst report from ESG, every 40 seconds another company is hit by ransomware which makes total avoidance nearly impossible. So, if cybercrime is difficult to prevent, what can you do to be prepared? One compelling element of your strategy could be to...
LTFS is now an ISO standard
In addition to being a SNIA (Storage Network Industry Association) defined architecture by the Linear Tape File System Technical Work Group (LTFS TWG), LTFS is now an ISO standard (ISO/IEC 20919:2016). (for more information: )
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Optimizing Content Storage Workflows in a Digital Media Hybrid Cloud Environment Zoom Webinar April 27, 2023 10AM PT
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